My Reading Log

Hello and welcome to my reading log thingy. I thought it would be cool to do one kinda like the anime list, so here are the books that I am currently reading, finished, or have put on hold:

currently reading:

cover art publishing date name genre publisher author favorite character progress notes

06-2-2015 Station Eleven dystopian fiction Vintage Emily St. John Mandel none yet 0 / 352 Got this book for college and I'm not finished, but I did study a bit before the semester started. The author comments on how in modern society, who we are and what we do is a huge part of how we place worth upon ourselves. I'm very excited to begin reading this book, as it's concept sounds intriguing.

11-10-1992 The Art of Peace philosophy Shambhala Morihei Ueshiba N/A 64 / 183 "Be ever grateful for the gifts received from the universe, your family, Mother Nature, and your fellow human beings." (56)

10-18-2013 Philosophy 101: From Plato... philosophy Adams Media Paul Kleinman N/A 118 / 288 I got this for myself on 06/15/2023 because I was interested in reading more philosophical books. I still think it is a great purchase for anyone interested in philosophy as well.

on hold: